Saturday, October 08, 2005

What a Perfect Birthday Gift

Listening To: Perfect [Simple Plan]
Drinking: 1.5 L 7-UP Ice [With Crazy Straw]

Well my birthday was so long ago. I share the same month of birthday with Daniel (Katte). My birthday was on the 28th of August and Katte’s was on the 30th of August. Katte told me that my birthday gift was a SMS that he sent me. Dam cheep skate some more using SMS plan. That’s dam lame. Then after his birthday Alby told us that he has a gift for us. That was it. Katte did not leave him in peace la.We were actually suppose to go to Telawi Bistro for our birthday treat, then the plan got canceled. When ever we pass Bangsar or talk about birthday’s Katte will start la.

Katte: Hey Vicky do you remember or not
Vicky: Remember what?
Katte: Bangsar
Vicky: Err
Katte: Telawi bistro
Vicky: Err
Katte: Our birthday and Alby was suppose to give us a gift
Vicky: Aiyo, started la this fellow

This thing has been going on in Starbucks, Coffee Bean and everywhere. Katte will also tell me this even when Alby is not there. Some times I will tell Alby wait and see that fellow will start shortly. As I said he will start. Then we will be laughing.

Finally on the 7th of October after class Alby came and gave us a gift. It was a condom. I thought so that he would give us something like that. Then Katte said it was chewing gum.

Hearing him say that brings me some memory back when I was in High School. I want to the 7 Eleven near my house with one of my classmates and we went there to get some drinks. When we came to pay at the counter my friend so a box filled with colorful packets. He picked one and placed on the counter. The sales girl looked at us one kind. I went what the hell is her problem. I asked my friend and he told me she was looking at him one kind after he put that packet on the table. I was laughing non stop. I asked him dose he know what is it. He told me that he thought that it was some fancy plaster because the packing was colorful and the name was “PLAYSAFE”. The casher and I went crazy. We were laughing non stop. I told him we don’t need this plaster and paid for the rest of the stuff and left.

When we were walking home I asked him dose he know what was that. He said no. I was so dam ashamed and told him it was a condom. He too started to laugh. He begged me not to tell anyone and I was like ok la. That was some thing I could never forget. Now when I go to 7 Eleven I will always think about him.

Ok enough of the flash back. Then I looked at Katte and he looked at me. Then we compared the gift we gave Alby and the gift he gave us

Have a look at this

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Katte and I got Alby a Kingston 512 MB pen drive [State of the Art]

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Alby got us a Condom each. He told me his friend got him a box full of it. [Not so State of the Art kind]

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Look at the difference a condom that cost $2 bucks and a pen drive that costs $240. Look at the difference.

Well that’s all I can say. What to do some people only feel that the thought counts not the gift. Ha ha. Don’t worry Alby we will get you some day. I think Katte will surely love this post of mine. That’s why it’s called “PERFECT GIFT”


Anonymous said...

Haha... surely i would like this post... A CONDOM! have you opened it up?

-[aLbY]- said...

HAHA! b0y! Have you? LoLz Vicky, I really appreciate what you guys gave me but i couldnt get someone to share with me to get you both something not as useful as this thou (HA!HA!HA!) Anyway, don't worry, we'll ex-change X-mas gift during this year's X-mas aight? HeHe =) nice blog & images(with graphic) too.


Geek Legend said...

Waa Waa Waa nice one. Heh. That condom too big for u or not?

Anonymous said...

vicky love metc
metc love vicky
love vicky metc
love metc vicky